Mar 4Liked by Yiliu

Tinkered there too https://twitter.com/utopiah/status/1534055718462099457 and IMHO it's definitely needed not just because of the speed, WPM, but also predictability, i.e there is no distraction (small typos rarely make you lose your train of thoughts) and is very editable, i.e one can backtrack, select a word, replace it, move a whole sentence with another shortcut, etc that other ways, e.g speech recognition, don't allow with the same convenience.

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I can't believe I missed this. Awesome work! Yes, you're totally right: once you actually observe how people use keyboards, you realize that at least half the time "typing" is really "re-typing". These fine textual edits are impossible to do on a virtual keyboard or via speech.

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I've been following this project for a long time, it reminds me of Obsidian, and it's made in Unity, but it's not open source, I'd love to help! web2ajax@gmail.com

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